KLMED8021 - ANOVA and regression analysisNorwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesCourse contentThis course covers analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis and simple and multiple linear and logistic regression analysis. Regression models are used to examine associations between a single outcome (dependent) variable and one or more explanatory (independent) variables. A linear regression model is applied when the outcome variable is a continuous variable, whereas a logistic regression model can be applied when the outcome variable is a binary categorical variable. ANOVA is used for comparing mean values between three or more groups. The ANOVA model can be rewritten into a general linear model and can then be extended to include adjustment for categorical as well as continuous variables (analysis of covariance, ANCOVA). The theoretical background for the methods will be given, but the main focus will be on how to apply the methods in medical research. The course covers model specification (including how to use interaction terms to allow for subgroup-specific effects), estimation of model parameters, evaluation of model assumptions and how to deal with deviation from assumptions, and interpretation and presentation of results. The course also covers evaluation of model fit and a brief discussion of variable selection. In addition, some non-parametric methods will be presented. An important part of the course is to perform data analyses by means of statistical software. Examples from scientific papers will be given. Learning outcomeKnowledge After successful completion of this course the student should
Skills After successful completion of this course the student should be able to
General competence After successful completion of this course the student should
Learning methods and activities Lectures and exercises. Data analyses by means of statistical software. Examination arrangementExamination arrangement: Home examination How to apply for this course: https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/researchcourses |